Anatomically Correct & Bailiwick Arts Center present

 "A Day in the Life of Bronzeville"

A Photojournalism Exhibition by African-American Youths

from the Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago


Artists:   Victoria Brown, Vonna Coleman, Deandre Johnson, Delilah McDonald,

Stephon Mobley,  Shanella Parker, Ricky Pearson, Arthur Sheppard and Cortez Wallace.


The Photos are on Exhibition at

Bailiwick Arts Center

1229 West Belmont

Chicago, IL 60657


Free Opening Reception: Thursday, April 13, 2000 from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.


Viewing hours: Tues - Sun (1-7 pm) through May 14, 2000. Admission is Free.


This art exhibition is in cooperation with the Chicago Youth Centers' Donnelley Center

and the Benjamin Raymond Elementary School

and is in complement to Bailiwick Repertory's production of  the musical Stones, 

book by John Reeger, music & lyrics by Julie Shannon,

based on the 1920 riots in the Bronzeville neighborhood.


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Shadows on Raymond    ©   Deandre Johnson


In early 1998, Mary A. Young, Project Director for the Grand Boulevard Community Arts Initiative at the CYC-Elliott Donnelley Center, met with the Illinois Arts Council staff about a photojournalism project being developed in collaboration with Chicago Youth Centers' Donnelley Center and the Benjamin Raymond Elementary School. The project involved teaching a group of students (ages 11-13), the basic technical aspects of photography. The students were given cameras to document their family, friends and their community in the Bronzeville neighborhood where they lived. Encompassing the Stateway Gardens in the area of 35th & State Street, Bronzeville is an underserved African American community on Chicago's southside with a reputation for gang violence and drug activities. This was the community where these young students were trained to become photographers. In 1998, the Donnelly Youth Center received a grant from the Illinois Arts Council to support the project's implementation.

The project gave birth to an array of images that document the transition and history that is taking place in a community of people filled with hopes and dreams despite impoverished lives. In 1999, youths in the photojournalism project produced a professionally bound book of photographs entitled, "Images and Essays from In and Around Stateway" as a result of their achievements. Not only did they learn how to take a photograph, but also process their black and white film and experiment with color tinting and photograms.

Revealing a tender tapestry of youthful exuberance and spirit, the resulting photographic journey provides a glimpse of life in Bronzeville. To witness the camaraderie of these young photojournalists is to be instilled with hopes for their future.


For More Information or to Purchase Artwork, please contact:


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